Designed by

George Tetteh

Production Location


Year launched




Atto Tetteh is a Ghanaian menswear brand founded in 2014 by designer Atto Tetteh. Via carefully selected fabrics and immense attention to detail, he’s become known for his sleek silhouettes, inspired by his mother who worked as a seamstress and later ventured into Batik garment production, the heart of Tetteh’s work lies in the careful selection of fabrics and an experimental approach to colors, textures and patterns presenting garments that according to him tell an as yet untold story of Africa.

The brand’s mission is to create “bold, strong and courageous pieces for the African brand”, one that is guided by principles of timelessness, quality, and originality. Speaking to American Vogue, Tetteh explained his choice to enter the menswear apparel world. “I felt that I had something to contribute to the creative space in Accra,” he says. “There are a lot of brands in Ghana that do womenswear—I feel like when it comes to fashion, men need affirmative action. The menswear scene is still pretty small [here].

And while menswear is his focus, there is a unisex quality to his creations, something that has led to the garnering of fans of all genders. Each season, solid colours, meticulous construction, and abstract prints that reference a West African heritage can be seen in his collections. A regular on the runways of African fashion weeks, Atto Tetteh has shown at SA Menswear Fashion Week, Accra Fashion Week, and Glitz Africa Fashion. He’s also received acclaim from American Vogue and BellaNaija. In 2020, the brand was featured on Zerina Akers and Beyonce’s’ list of Black Owned Businesses, a feat that brought it’s designer a slew of new media attention and his wares are currently stocked by online retailer The Folklore and Cape Town’s luxury fashion concept store, Merchants On Long.